Originally from the Seattle area, Elena Thomas now calls Portland home. She earned a BA in Art with a Math minor from Pitzer College and received her MFA in Visual Studies from Pacific Northwest College of Art. Her artwork focuses on spatial relationships and shifting perspectives. She explores, and invites others to explore, the different possibilities of space and perception. Through her art she also encourages people to reclaim their sense of wonder of materials and spaces that have become commonplace. She works in photography, sculpture, interactive art, and immersive installations. Her photography focuses on angles, reflections, and directional adjustments to challenge perceptual expectations. She uses similar principles in her sculptures. Her wood sculptures are made up of squares because a square is simple, familiar, and can also act as a frame giving her a way to shape space. To add additional perceptual layers she incorporates lighting, shadows, and reflective materials into her sculptures. Her work has been included in the Portland Small Works Public Art Collection and the Around Oregon Annual Exhibition. She was accepted onto the Washington State Arts Commission Public Artist Roster, and she created a temporary site-specific public art installation for the Art on Main space in Auburn, WA. |
Location1100 NW Glisan Street, Portland, OR. 97209
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